Can I share a secret with y'all? Supplement junkies reside at the Bergeron Residence. Mike and I probably wouldn't get through most days without Spark or V16.

These two products SAVED.OUR.LIVES when Ellie was a newborn. Literally. I was reminded how important these products are to us after getting VERY little sleep last night. Ellie is teething and was up 4 times. Once an hour starting at midnight, and then up for good a little after 8. She hasn't been up this much since she was 10 weeks old. That is how spoiled I have been, and how unprepared I was for last night. So this morning when I rolled out of bed to the sound of her sweet voice, I knew it was going to be a double Spark kind of day. And it worked. Spark is brain food. It keeps me focused and alert, all while giving me vital nutrients. V16 is a non-caffeinated energy drink that I use usually in the afternoons. Awesomesauce. I seriously love these products. Mike has 3-4 helpings of Spark a day. I love that these products don't give you bouncing-off-the-wall energy, but rather sustained energy. Energy to help you focus on the task at hand.
Could you use some Spark in your life? Click here for more information!
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