Does anyone else feel this month is flying by? We have so much going on, and Mike has been so busy at work lately he hasn't been getting home till after 7. I'm sure you mommies out there can agree that makes for a very long day! I feel we have gotten absolutely nothing accomplished! I know that is not true, but our to do list is a mile long and not getting any shorter! Let's catch up on Ellie's 25 days of Christmas!
Day 8!
We had to run to the store to get one item so I let her ride in the basket. I love the pouty face in the middle. Haha! So sad! I love this little outfit, and I love the picture where she is reaching for the teddy bear ornament. It has an E on it, and it is the one ornament she knows she can pull off and play with. It is so cute to watch her try and put it back on the tree.
Day 9!
Mike and I had a Christmas party to attend so my sister, Allison, took these pictures while babysitting her. She was watching Bubble Guppies. Haha...I love the second picture. Mike watches TV the same way. Nature or decide....
Day 10!

I took Ellie to see Santa at Bass Pro Shop...we were going to do it at the mall, but I was appalled at the price of the pictures so we went to Bass where the pictures are free! I know my picture of the picture isn't the best. She didn't scream, but she was too distracted to do much else. Her little shirt says "Santa loves me", and this sweet Santa said, 'yes he does, little one'. Ahhh...melted my heart.
After our trip to see Santa we went to Target and played around in the baby clothes...
Day 11!
My little poinsettia in front of my fake poinsettias. Ha! She is so sweet, and I am in love with this Baby Lulu outfit. So cute!
I've mentioned before our little scare last year at Christmas that landed us in the hospital for 10 days with Ellie receiving IV antibiotics. I am realizing the lasting effects of that this month. I don't know if it is because I have so much to look forward to and I am scared of our plans being thwarted, or if the season is just going to invoke this fear in me for awhile. I feel every little thing that Ellie seems off in scares me. I'm sure I'm driving our pediatrician crazy, and I'm sure she regrets us moving down the street and giving me her cell. I sure appreciate it though. After our hospital visit I counted down the weeks between when she got I would always tell Mike how far away we were from that each week. Oh, we are 2 weeks out, 4 weeks out, etc. I was so, so, so thankful as each week passed and we had our sweet, perfect, healthy Ellie with us. I loved getting further and further away from that time. I will confess I have not been an easy-going mom. I have read so many sad stores, and my sinful worry nature shines each time I read one. Shines ugly. I lay at night wondering if she is okay upstairs or if those spots on her back could be signs of meningitis. I know. Crazy. She wasn't drinking a lot over the weekend, and I was trying everything. I even offered my orange soda, and she would have nothing to do with it. It scared me! I freaked! It turns out she just wants to hold all of the drinks herself. Silly mommy! I don't know what it is about being a mom that makes me so psycho. It could be because I love this child so much, more than I could ever have imagined, and so much about her life is out of my hands. Sometimes, at me weakest moments, I have to constantly remind myself that even though I don't have control over every aspect of her life, I know Who does. I have to remind myself Jesus holds my sweet baby in His hands, and He has this under control. He has this! It isn't always easy, and as we creep close to December 15th...our own D-day...I have to remind myself again that she is healthy, happy, and here!
I know one day it will be a distant memory. I want to move past the fear and worry, and just focus on remembering that time as one where we saw God's faithfulness. We witnessed His provision first-hand, and we are so, so grateful.
I will do better the rest of the week with posting our outfit of the day as she wears them...not days later! I hope y'all are having a great week!